Read here. One year ago, our editors met for the first time to plan the launch of this journal. Since that first meeting, we have had the honor of publishing many authors and artists and sharing their talent with the world. In each issue, we aim to highlight at least one unpublished author or artist...
Mary O’Flynn, On a Quiet Street Where Old Ghosts Meet
Daniel Davis, The Fastest Vending Machine in the World
Joshua Joel Mohr, The Impossible Promise
Jennifer Ammon, Sarah
Liz Dean, Count the Semis
John Grey, Life of Pisces
Brian Burmeister, More
Paper Words
Present Tense
Cover: Steven Kenny, The Ribbons
Ann McGrath, Edinburgh Photographer
Stephen Kenny, The Jellyfish
Jane Horton, Shelf Life Collection:
Aunt Fay
Camp Deerfield
Horace and Fay
John and Tod
Johnny, Fay, and Skip